Ultrasonic Leak Detection Equipment
In today’s manufacturing environment controlling costs and optimizing equipment are paramount requirements to run an efficient and profitable site. One single air/gas/steam leak can cost company thousands of dollars over a years’ time period as well as reduce equipment efficiency. Additionally, these leaks can become/are a major safety issue if not detected and repaired. By incorporating easy to operate UE ultrasonic leak detection equipment, you can quickly and simply locate, document and repair any and all compressed air leaks, vacuum leaks as well as verify steam trap operation.
With minimal training, even the new operator will be able to locate airborne leaks in an efficient manner. This same piece of ultrasonic leak detection equipment can also be utilized for bearing inspection as well as electrical safety and corona inspection. A truly versatile piece of equipment. Additionally, and extremely pertinent, all UE Systems ultrasonic leak detection equipment are designed, manufactured and supported in the United States.