Inspection Routes and InspectCE


MAINTelligence InspectCE


DMSI applies the philosophy of Asset Basic Care to the overall approach for inspections. Our firmware, InspectCE, runs on rugged handhelds performing for process data collection and operator driven reliability.

MAINTelligence and InspectCE have been designed for maximum flexibility and usability, which allows the system to work how the organization needs it to rather than forcing the organization to change its processes to fit. Simply download one or more routes from MAINTelligence into InspectCE and start the inspection. When the route is complete, upload and automatically update your equipment status in the MAINTelligence database.

COLLECT: InspectCE™ collects more than a clipboard…

REVIEW: InspectCE™ operators view more than a clipboard…

IMPROVE: InspectCE improves the overall inspection process…


Inspection Rounds Management
One of the fundamental aspects of Asset Basic Care is rounds based data collection. To eliminate abnormal operating situations, increase plant process throughput, and improve overall plant equipment reliability, the capture and retention of data on the condition of assets is essential. This data is used to alert operations and maintenance of immediate safety and operational exceptions, and allow for alarm and trend based early detection of reliability issues.

The combination of MAINTelligence and InspectCE solution provides a highly reliable and robust mobile computing system. MAINTelligence InspectCE is the handheld application specifically designed to handle all the needs of an asset basic care program. InspectCE has the flexibility to be user customized specifically for different asset basic care / operator driven reliability inspection rounds including:

  • Maintenance Inspection Rounds.
  • Operator Rounds.
  • Lubrication Rounds.
  • Safety, Health and Environmental Rounds.
View the DMSI MAINTelligence Asset Basic Care(PDF 2.52MB) brochure.

ASSET BASIC CARE: Learn more about Asset Basic Care…